Saturday, March 31, 2007

NY to Boston and Back

Hi friends. Aaron woke me up this morning and got pouty faced about being the only one that ever contributes to the blog. So friends, let me take you on our journey of the past few days. Having been repeatedly removed from public spaces in malls in both New York and Massachusetts, I can say for certain that these days are troubling for the enterprising young documentary filmmaker. Fortunately our filming in malls has become refined, and by refined I assure you I mean Aaron runs interference as I continue to steal footage without getting arrested.

In NY we went filming over at the Atlantic Ave. mall, and then did some time lapse stuff over in Times Square and Union Square. It is fascinating to see the array of advertisements that literally make Times Square look like Disneyland. Should make for some pretty amazing footage.

The following morning we left for Boston, and with the help of our friend Greg got settled in the old city. Boston College is home to Professor Juliet Schor, author some amazing books like The Overspent American and Born To Buy. She has done in depth research into the lives of Americans and their relationship to money and the stuff they buy. If you have not read either of these books, I would suggest you go to the book store this weekend. The interview was really amazing, and we should be able to put up some excerpts from it quite soon.

Aaron and I just want to thank all of you that have helped us thus far. The filming is going spectacularly, and will only get better with interviews in New York and Toronto later this week. Keep checking back for some time lapse shots and interview bits coming soon. Until then, think about this...

America landfills enough garbage every year to fill a hole the size of a football field (including end zones I believe) that would be about 100 miles deep. Just food for thought.


Unknown said...


It looks and sounds great! What a fascinating concept concerning the use and dismisal of ideas and concepts once they've been used. I like that, especially in today's world where trends and fashions come and go. One thing always remains: a true visionary doesn't creat style or fashion, he IS it! Way to go bro. I can't wait to work with you on future projects that are brewing!


Unknown said...


It looks and sounds great! What a fascinating idea concerning the use and dismissal of ideas and fashions once they've been used. Especially in todays times, where trends and fashions come and go. One thing always remains when these things are here today and gone tomorrow: a true visionary never comes or goes, he is ALWAYS there! Way to go bro! I can't wait to work with you on future projects that are a brewing!
